Sunday 31 July 2011

My blogs are at

It is a long farewell

It is farewell to from today as I have now posted the last blog there and decided to concentrate my blogging efforts at

A year ago, I was informed that the blogging service at Blog-City will close on the 1st of January 2012 and it lead to a scramble to move all my material, over 1,500 blogs written in just under 7 years to a new location.

I had opened a blog at Blogger for the purposes of posting comments in early 2007 but from the end of 2009 as if I was prescient, I began publishing my blogs simultaneously on and what became

The house move

There was no easy way of migrating my blogs that I really had to do it over about 7 months brick by heavy brick until all was done.

With my paid subscription running out at I have decided to allow the blog to run in Read-Only mode, which means no new posts will published there until the blogging service expires on the 1st of January 2012.

The statistics front, I have to-date had 3,828,382 hits since 8 Dec 2003 with 1,730 blogs, it is now time to drive my readership to

Thank you everyone for reading my blogs.

Last blog on

Dear Friend, Reader, Visitor, Fan, Inquirer & Search Engine,

I will not more be updating this site after almost 8 years of posting here, I started blogging here on the 8th of December 2003; all new blogs will now be hosted on Google Blogger at however, this blog whilst in read-only mode will remain active until the blogging service of Blog-City closes on the 1st of January 2012.

Over the last few months, I have successfully copied all my blogs to Blogger and simultaneously published in both places.

Please ensure that all references made to are now changed to, the theme of my blogs remains Akin About Things Too Concerning to Ignore.

Thank you for visiting and following my blog and writings, though I am saddened that Blog-City is closing at a time that I have consistently exceeded 100,000 page views a month, the crew at Blog-City have always be responsive, helpful, considerate and kind – I wish them the very best in their future endeavours.

You can however still support my blogging efforts by clicking on the Donate button at the top right of the blog.

For my latest blog posting, please go to

The RSS feed for my news blog is

With the kindest regards,

Akin Akintayo


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